Mixed pets

Roxburgh Park Animal Hospital

122 Shankland Blv
Meadow Heights, VA 3048



Updated information provided by the Veterinary Information Network (VIN system). Content displayed may change whenever this page is refreshed.

Strangles Vaccination for your Horse

Strangles is not an uncommon disease in horses, is very contagious, and can cause lots of problems when it occurs.  Strangles causes an upper respiratory infect ...

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Diets and Heart Disease in Dogs and Cats

Can pet diets cause heart problems?Yes. Thirty years ago, veterinarians recognized deficiency of an amino acid (taurine) as the most common cause of dilated ca ...

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How much Kitty Vomit is too much?

"My feeling is that one or two vomits per month means that you are a cat."Oh yeah, baby.Dr. Jeff Latimer posted his sentiment about cat vomiting/hairball freque ...

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Recalls of Pet Food and Treats in U.S. are (Mostly) Voluntary

You may be used to seeing pet food recall notices released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). And you may have assumed that the FDA issued those r ...

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The squeeze: What happens when owners can’t pay for veterinary care?

A recent tragedy put me in mind of this short phrase: Veterinarians are caring, trained professionals. All three words at the end of that sentence are important ...

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Do Dogs Even Get Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

One night after Halloween, the emergency clinic where I was working received an odd call.“Animal Emergency, may we help you?”“Umm….our puppy has been acting st ...

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